Professional Development Courses | Schools - Teach 4 the Heart

Mentorship for new or struggling teachers so they can grow and succeed.

Classroom management courses for schools

Your support makes ALL the difference ❤️ 

Watch together for PD/inservice
OR have teachers take courses on their own.

School licenses include unlimited access for all current and future teachers, including access to stream together in a PD session and/or for teachers to take the course individually on their own.

Classroom Management 101

It's tough to teach when students aren't listening. That's why great classroom management is key to any successful classroom.

This complete system  will walk your teachers step-by-step through the process of developing & implementing a strong classroom management strategy. 

Beyond Classroom Management Online Course - a professional development course from Teach 4 the Heart

Beyond Classroom Management

Think of this as Classroom Management 301 for teachers who already have the basics down.

This in-depth course gives actionable strategies to help teachers build engagement, cultivate student leadership, create a respectful classroom culture, develop more meaningful student relationships, prevent problems before they occur, and so much more.

Reclaim Your Time 101

Teachers frazzled with all the tasks on their list? This program helps them stop trying to do everything, & instead focus their energy on the BEST things.

Designed with the busy teacher in mind, we help teachers quickly unbury themselves with short lessons (15 minute or less) & actionable steps. The result? To-do lists that are manageable, and teachers that are more balanced and effective.

Teach Uplifted

Support your Christian educators as they renew their passion for teaching by finding joy & peace in Christ. 

This course combines devotional readings with practical trainings to help teachers teach with joy, even when things are going wrong.

50 Procedures Online Course - a professional development course from Teach 4 the Heart

Classroom Procedures that will Save Your Sanity

This 45-minute training quickly covers 50 tips and tricks to reduce chaos and make classrooms run more smoothly. It just might save your teachers' sanity in the process.

Rise Up Summit All-Access Pass

This virtual yearly conference provides 20+ sessions to help Christian educators and staff shine for Christ in a confused and uncertain world

2023 sessions will cover topics such as: student motivation, classroom management, preventing teacher burnout, overcoming discouragement and much more!

- OR - 

Provide EVERYTHING Your Teachers Need to Thrive With A

Teach 4 the Heart PLUS Membership

Provide your new and veteran teachers everything needed to develop skills & succeed in this challenging profession: classroom management, time management, student motivation, and reliance on Christ for one's identity.

Teach 4 the Heart PLUS members receive access to: PREMIUM trainings inside our core courses, personalized support via email support inbox & live coaching calls, weekly connection & encouragement with our Biblical Encouragement text thread, exclusive trainings and NEW stress-reducing resources each month.

What People are Saying...

I want to thank God for putting YOU in my life. I had asked for prayers and I know you prayed for me and all teachers that might be struggling in every part of their lives. Your support has been so GIGANTICALLY helpful to me. I want to tell the world. Podcast 5 and 6 is exactly what I needed and is perfectly timed.


This is a great resource for all teachers! There is something about every aspect of teaching including classroom management. Even after several years of teaching I found new ideas to implement in my classroom. Every teacher needs a copy of this book on their desk!


I love the work you are doing at Teach 4 the Heart! Every time I get your emails, I smile, knowing that God is using you to support me in this amazing profession! What a blessing to have people like you who encourage us in the teaching world! Thank you so much and may God bless you!!

Sheila B.

I always find something useful and enjoyable in your blog. Now I’ll check out your podcasts as well. God bless:)

Nancy M.

I just wanted to say how perfect and timely this email was. I am currently watching/ listening to teach without anxiety and within the first few moments I had an “of course” moment and told myself off for being so negative and made a vow to be more open, understanding and patient. I have a lot of worries and difficulties so this was just what I needed to hear and at the right time. I love how God works.

Sarah C.

The material you present is rooted in God’s Word and genuinely prepared from the heart. Bless you for all you are doing.

Mary B.

Every communication I have received from Teach4TheHeart has been encouraging, uplifting and filled with hope. What you all are doing is not only an incredible blessing to teachers today, but also for the generations forming now, under the tutelage of those teachers whose hearts and minds you all are able to keep fresh, hopeful and encouraged. Keep up the good work!

Cynthia J

I just had to tell you that this post “Is Teaching Stressing You Out?” spoke to my heart. I have moved grade levels this year and I honestly have felt like I would have a stroke or a heart attack trying to get it all together. Your post reminded me to stop and breathe in trust in the Lord with all my heart.


You and Angela Watson have provided resources that are helping me get through the difficult times and spur me on to give my very best everyday. It seems like every other week I am wondering if I made a mistake going into teaching, crying out to the Lord for a way of escape from the stress and pressure and lack of finances. Then I listen to your podcast or read a great idea from Angela and you virtually talk me off the ledge. ? THANK YOU.

Heidi K.

It is such a blessing to have a circle of Christian teachers to join together with in the trenches of the classroom.


I just needed you to know, God is working through you and this ministry you are doing. I have seen it a few times throughout the prayer challenge and now last night again! Thank you for what you are doing.

Tim P.

When I read about 30 prayers for Christian teachers, I shared it with teachers in our school, from Preschool all the way to our Senior High. They replied excitedly and inspired to pray for their classes, esp. since it was during our end semester prep time and we were challenged to pray for a month!

Anny S
School Leader


Hi! I’m Linda Kardamis, former teacher and founder of Teach 4 the Heart. I know firsthand how overwhelming teaching can be - and how paralyzing it can feel to have so much you want to do and feel unprepared to do it all.

God guided me with His wisdom as I worked out my kinks in the classroom and that made all the difference. That's why I've made it my mission to support as many teachers as possible. Teachers truly are Christ's ambassadors, and I'm passionate about sharing His Word, practical strategies & encouragement so they can keep going without burning out! 

Linda Kardamis is the creator of Pray & Plan: the planner for Christian teachers


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Who are these courses for?

When do the programs start & end?

How long do teachers have access to the course contents?

What is included in a school license?

What if a teacher doesn't need help with a certain aspect. Can he/she skip ahead?

Is PD credit available for these courses?

Can I purchase these for my whole faculty?

I only need these courses for one teacher. Can I purchase an individual enrollment?

Do you accept POs?

Other questions?
