Welcome to Teach 4 the Heart!

Hi, I’m Linda Kardamis

I always wanted to be a teacher, but a few months in, I realized teaching was a whole lot harder than I thought it would be. Too many of my students just weren’t listening to me; many were outright belligerent. My confidence plummeted, and as much as I hated to admit it, I wasn’t enjoying teaching. Instead, I felt like a failure in my own classroom.

But God wasn’t done with me. Through sound advice, a bit of trial and error, and much prayer, I gradually learned to keep my students’ attention, and I started to believe I could actually do this.

As I stopped living in fear of the next problem, I began to look forward to teaching. And while I loved those ah-ha moments when my students finally got how to solve equations, the truest joy came from watching God change lives through me.

No matter what challenges you’re facing, God wants to use you in your classroom. You’re in the right place. Let’s dive in.

Linda Kardamis teaching

Our Mission

Teach for the Heart is designed for Christian educators in public and private schools.
Our focus is different.
In public schools, we strive to be a bright light pushing back darkness.
In Christian schools, we seek to make disciples who will make disciples.
But our goal is the same: to see God change lives through us.
To accomplish our mission, we must be our best at all this: balance, classroom management, academics, worldview, prayer.
Then we can truly Teach for the Heart and watch our students change the world.
Join Our Mission: Join over 65,000 Christian teachers who receive practical ideas & Biblical encouragement via email each week (there's no charge). Join Now!
Our focus is different.

Simply put, we want to offer you uplifting, practical advice from a biblical viewpoint. 

While we are at it, we want to connect educators from public and private school spheres instead of dividing them.  We believe that benefits us all.

Who We Are

Linda Kardamis

Linda Kardamis

Linda is the founder of Teach 4 the Heart, which began in 2013.


Alexx Seipp

Alexx has a background in Special Education.

Beki Jones

Beki has a background in elementary ed. 

Jenn Frey

Jen Frey

Jen is a high-school math teacher from Kansas.


Sarah Humes

Sarah is a Spanish teacher from Pennsylvania.

How You Can Help


Read, Click, Like, Share, Review, Recommend

If you take the time to open an email it lets us know that what we have to say is important to you.

Your likes, loves, and shares give us glimpses into the value of the content we are providing.

When you recommend us to others, it helps us get our message out there!

If you take the time to review a podcast or a product it provides so much valuable feedback for us and others.



When you purchase from Teach 4 the Heart, it’s like shopping at a local shop.  We are a small business.  You are supporting not only a ministry—which makes you a ministry partner—but you are helping to support Linda, Alexx, Sarah, Beki & Jen.  You are making a difference in their families’ lives.  And you are changing the world of countless educators all over the globe.  You really are making a difference.


Give Us Feedback

We are happy to hear your thoughts.  Do you have a great idea?  Do you have something you would like to see us touch on in a course, podcast or blog article?  Please, let us know!  We may be able to help you out.  We are here to help one another.  You are why Teach 4 the Heart exists.



Prayer is not “just prayer” here at Teach 4 the Heart.  Prayer is the catalyst.  It’s huge.  We cannot move forward without prayer.  Praying for our team and our organization is so important.  If you take the time to do so, please let us know!  That is always an encouragement.

Ways we give back

Even though we are a ministry, we still believe in supporting other ministries too!

When you support us, you help our organization support these 3 groups.  This is just another way you get to make a difference in the world.

It’s completely free.

Just enter your email address to get started.

Grow your confidence. Find perspective.

When you join the Teach 4 the Heart community, you’ll receive practical advice and Biblical encouragement to overcome your teaching challenges and make a lasting difference in your students' hearts and lives. 
