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6 Traits of Teachers Who Are Reducing Their Workload with the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club

6 Traits

Are you over being overwhelmed? Sick of feeling guilty for abandoning your family to work on school and then feeling guilty for abandoning school to be with your family?
Are you ready to finally find balance?

This week I’m honored to interview Angela Watson, creator of the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club.

Angela has been helping thousands (yes, over 4,000) teachers cut real time off their workweek and find the balance they so desperately need.

These teachers are not only reducing their workload and freeing up space in their lives, but they’re also finding that they’re more organized, more efficient, and even more effective teachers!

I hope you’ll check out the full interview here:

Subscribe to the Teach 4 the Heart podcast.

Or for those who want the cliff notes, here are the 6 characteristics of teachers who are finding the best success with the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club.

How to Successfully Reduce Your Workload with the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club

  1. Commit to making permanent lifestyle changes. If you want to successfully reduce your workload, you can’t be a “crash dieter” who wants to make a dramatic change for 2 weeks and then falls right back into your old habits. You must be determined to learn more efficient ways of working and implementing those strategies for the rest of your career. 
  2. Create routines so the club is a regular part of your life that you prioritize and schedule time for. For example, some members choose to create a routine on Sunday mornings in which they drink their coffee while reading the strategies and planning for the week ahead. Or every Saturday afternoon, they go for a jog and listen to the content via MP3, then re-read the content to reference it and start implementing ideas when they get home. Others go into work early on Monday morning and listen to the content in the car, then start planning in their classrooms.

     The common thread? Dedicate time each week to studying the content of the program and deciding what you want to implement. 
  3. Participate at least once per week in the Facebook group. This participation is completely optional, but those who join the Facebook group are far more likely to stick with the club and adapt the ideas for their teaching context because they have the ability to learn from other teachers and get support.
     However more participation in the Facebook group does not necessarily equate with better results: after all, social media can be a distraction from doing the work! The most successful members tend to be those who pop into the group on a fairly regular basis to learn from others in their cohort, share what’s working and what’s not, and let us know about their progress so we can provide support and answer questions. 
  4. View the club as a lifeline that supports you, not an obligation you are under pressure to “keep up with.” Members who tell themselves they are “falling behind” if they don’t use all the content tend to get sucked into a guilt spiral and disengage from the club. They pressure themselves to do every suggestion that’s offered and implement it all immediately (and perfectly), and then end up not utilizing ANY of the resources.

    By contrast, our most successful members create realistic expectations for themselves. They see the club as being there to support them rather than creating more work for them. They look forward to opening the new email each week because it feels like a fun surprise and they might discover a new strategy that enables them to take another half hour or more off their workweek. 
  5. Don’t try to do it all. Skim through the materials and focus only on the strategies that address your greatest needs, and pick ONE idea to implement each week. Our most successful members believe that small changes add up to big results! 
  6. Focus on the aspects of your work you CAN control and don’t make excuses. Our most successful members do not vent constantly about how much work they have piled on their plates, or view the club content through the lens of why the ideas couldn’t work in their teaching context. We have many members who start shaving hours off their workweek the very first week they joined, and without exception, those are the teachers who choose to take risks, think outside the box, and implement new ideas no matter what obstacles they are facing.

    The more determined you are to create change in your life, the better your results will be.

The bottom line? If you realize things can’t continue as they are & are ready to commit to change, you’re going to see results with the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club.

Ready to join?

Click here to find out more about the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club.

**Please note that enrollment is only open twice a year, and enrollment is currently open now through Wednesday, July 18. ***


We have a new free training to help improve your work/life balance: 5 Time-Saving Practices to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed. This is a great place to get started while you wait for 40HTW to begin. I firmly believe you can be an amazing teacher and do it in a reasonable amount of time. Let me show you HOW in this free training.


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traits of teachers who are reducing their workload
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  • Hi! I have recently started following your blog as well as Angela’s. Both blogs have been one’s that I have referred to and come back to time and time again. Your advice is exactly what I need. It’s inviting, positive, encouraging, and real. Thank you for your time and effort in helping to motivate us lifelong learners. Before I finish, I am not a member of Facebook, and do not intend on becoming one. As I consider joining the 40 hour teacher work week club, should this be a major concern?

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